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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

All industrial units without operational Primary Effluent Treatment Plant connected with CETP Unnao to close down


NMCG directs closure of Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) Unnao over failed effluents discharge


All industrial units without operational Primary Effluent Treatment Plant connected with CETP Unnao to close down

National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) has directed the closure of CETP Unnao, which has been found not complying to the prescribed norms during surprise inspections. NMCG, in exercise of powers conferred to it under provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, has directed the closure of all industrial units without operational Primary Effluent Treatment Plant (PETP) connected with Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), Unnao.

This is in line with the National Green Tribunal order dated 21.09.2020 which directed the States/UTs to ensure that the CETP/ETPs must meet the laid down norms and remedial action be taken wherever norms are not met.

CETP Unnao, with designed capacity of 2.15 MLD, is based on Activated Sludge Technology for treatment of effluents of 14 tannery industrial units.

On 14.02.2022, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) issued show cause notice to M/s Unnao Tanneries Pollution Control Company for non-compliance of CETP effluent discharge norms based on their six inspections at CETP Unnao.

On 13.04.2023, a joint surveillance of NMCG and UPPCB was carried out for 2.15 MLD CETP Unnao and samples were taken in presence of authorized representative. The CETP was found non-complying against the UPPCB notified inlet norms, stipulated outlet discharge norms of CPCB and drain water quality.

Analysis of samples taken from CETP inlet, amongst others, showed exceedance against the UPPCB notified inlet norms of TSS as 696 mg/l (against 600 mg/l) and Chromium as 18 mg/l (against 10 mg/l). This indicated that PETP installed by the member units were not functioning adequately to achieve desired CETP treated effluent quality norms. Analysis of samples taken from CETP Unnao outlet being discharged into Loni drain, which meets River Ganga, showed exceedance of the notified discharge norms and the CETP non-complying with respect to TDS: 8500 mg/l (against 2100 mg/l), Chloride: 2650 mg/l (against 1000mg/l), Phosphate: 12.59 mg/l (against 5.0 mg/l).

Based on the findings, NMCG issued the final closure direction for CETP Unnao under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act to Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar-Pradesh and Member Secretary UPPCB on 23.06.2023.


NMCG has directed the UPPCB to levy and recover the environmental compensation from Unnao Tanneries Pollution Control Company (UTPCC) and defaulting industrial units in Unnao in terms of compensation regime as fixed by the NGT for non-compliant CETPs/effluent discharge into drains/rivers.

This matter was discussed in the meeting with Chief Secretary, Uttar Pradesh and Director General, NMCG on 28.07.2023. DM, Unnao assured NMCG that the action is being taken on NMCG directions.