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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Orientation convergence meeting regarding the Rashtriya Poshan Maah 

Chandigarh, 30th August 2018An orientation convergence meeting regarding the Rashtriya Poshan Maah was held under the chairmanship Sh B.L. Sharma, Secretary Social Welfare with all the line departments at U.T., Secretariat today.
The Poshan Abhiyan is being implemented in U. T., Chandigarh in order to address the issues of Malnutrition , under-nutrition, anemia , reduce stunting and  reduce low birth weight in the age group of under 6 children, Pregnant & Nursing Mothers and Adolescent Girls.
During the meeting,  Secretary Social Welfare outlined the details of Poshan Abhiyan and Rashtriya Poshan Maah which is to be celebrated across the U.T., Chandigarh in the month of September. He emphasized on the importance of  nutrition during the first 1000 days of the child i.e from pre birth of a child till he attains the age of 2 years. This is because the right kind of nutrition during pregnancy i. e when the child is in the womb, during the breast feeding stage  and  till the age of 2 year plays a key role in the physical and psychological development of a child.
The target of the mission is to bring down stunting among children in the age group 0-6 years from 38.4% to 25% by 2022. For the effective implementation and desired goals, the Mission has been converted into JAN ANDOLAN in convergence with the Line departments in U.T., Chandigarh.
 Secretary Social Welfare has directed all the departments to prepare an action plan regarding activities to be conducted during Rashtriya Poshan Maah .
A pledge was also administered to all the present officers by Smt Navjot Kaur, Director Social Welfare, Women and Child Development. Dr Bhawneet Bharti , Pediatrician from PGI, Chandigarh gave the presentation on POSHAN Abhiyaan and the need of convergence of all the departments to achieve the goal of the Mission.
Commissioner Municipal Corporation,  Sub Division Magistrates, members from Department of Rural Development, Education, Health, Public Relations, Information Technology , All India Radio attended the convergence meeting .