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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Main decisions by Board of Directors of Chandigarh Housing Board


Main decisions by Board of Directors of Chandigarh Housing Board

The Board in its 426th meeting held today i. under the Chairmanship of Shri Dharam Pal, Adviser to Administrator and Chairman of Chandigarh Housing Board, after detailed deliberations, has taken following decisions:

1. The allotment of all those allottees who’s residential units were cancelled due to Building Violations and their appeals are pending before the Board to be restored on completion of following:
a. Removal of all those building violations by 31st December 2022 because of which the allotment was cancelled.
b. Payment of applicable revival/restoration charges
2. More than 100 unsold Commercial Units that were constructed on the land allotted to CHB on lease-hold basis to be included in next e-Tender on Lease-Hold basis, after further reduction in reserve prices.
3. Since most of the processes in the CHB have become online and services are being provided in faster mode, within the prescribed time-period, there is no need to continue with the TATKAL Scheme for transfer of CHB units on payment of extra fee. CHB to continue to strive for further reduction in the time-line and making the processes simple, as far as possible. Accordingly, the TATKAL Scheme to be discontinued.
4. After construction of new office Block-B in CHB premises in Sector-9, the available space in Block-A & C (old Blocks) to be rent out to the Government Offices on applicable CPWD rates. The space may also be rent out to the private parties through transparent bidding process.
5. The recommendations of the Committee for Need Based Changes have been agreed with minor improvements by the Board of Directors for forwarding to the Chandigarh Administration for approval of the Competent Authority. Main recommendations are summarized as under:
a. In independent houses of CHB, the removal of wall thicker than 4 ½ inches may be permitted subject to submission of certificate of structural stability from empaneled Structure Engineer. However, in case issues of stability arises, both the allottee and the Structure Engineer will be liable for criminal action.
b. The earlier restriction of 50% of the area of rear court yard/ terrace for additional construction in MIG/HIG houses may be enhanced upto 75% subject to the condition of 150 sq ft on the lines of EWS/LIG houses.
c. The earlier requirement of consent from all the allottees of the block for construction of lift may be relaxed. In case other allottees of the block are not agreeing then also the allottee may apply for permission to construct lift.
d. In case of independent houses, additional FAR may be allowed subject to payment of charges equal to 35% of existing collector rate for the present permitted FAR for the particular location.
e. The front courtyard brick boundary walls on the front side, wherever provided in the CHB houses may be replaced with flexible/sliding gates at the same location. The CHB to issue a standard design of the flexible/sliding gates to maintain uniformity.
f. The rainwater spouts provided in the balconies may be connected to Rain Water Harvesting in such a way that the design of the façade is not compromised.
g. Solar panels may be installed by the allottees on terrace subject to the consent of all the allottees of the block and subject to the certificate of structural stability.
h. 1ft 6 inches’ foldable temporary projection/shades may be provided over windows extending upto 6 inches on both sides of window in the end wall.
i. Total capacity of water tank can be increased upto 1000 ltr subject to structural stability certificate.

Shri Dharam Pal, IAS, Advisor to Administrator and Chairman of Chandigarh Housing Board stated that the Chandigarh is a planned City and efforts have been made to maintain balance between the Need Based Changes in view of requirement of the Citizens and the unique character of the City. He stated that CHB to continue with its efforts to streamline and simplify its processes in such manner that there is minimum human intervention and services are provided to the public without any hassles.