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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Workshop on Human Relations in Health Care


A three day workshop was conducted on the theme “Human relations in Health Care” in National Institute of Nursing Education, PGIMER, Chandigarh from 23/7/18 to 25/7/18. Workshop was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Prof. A. Rajwanshi, Dean Research, PGI, Chandigarh.  Dr Sandhya Ghai, Principal, NINE unfolded the theme of the Workshop and highlighted the importance of human relations at home among family members, friends, neighborhood  and community as well as at the workplace.  She emphasized that good human relation in the workplace especially in health care setting help to motivate the team members to cooperate with each other.  Being in health care sector, one has to communicate with patients, their relatives, colleagues as well as other members of the multidisciplinary health care team inside and outside the health care organization.  So, to deliver a quality patient care the communication should be clear and effective to maintain good human relations.  Prof. Rajwanshi highlighted the importance of interpersonal relationship at workplace and interpersonal conflicts among the health care personnel and how they hinder quality patient care and how  Human relations improve the interaction among people to resolve the conflicts that arise out of these interactions.  Also collaborations among group improve as conflicts get resolved successfully.

Different sessions were held by experts in the field, on importance of human relations at workplace, impact of human relations on quality patient care, importance of IPR in mental health, group dynamics professional behavior and technique of conflict management counseling, therapeutic communication as well as its impact on patient care.  Group activities and role play was also done by the participants on the them.

The Workshop concluded with the distribution of certificates to the participants by Dr Sandhya Ghai, Principal, NINE, PGIMER, Chandigarh and a message was given to utilize this knowledge in the routine activities at home as well as at workplace .