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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020



Many claims that the outgoing PUTA team is making as their achievements are work in progress and moving at their own pace. The outgoing team neither initiated nor accelerated any policy issue relating to the cause of the teaching community towards solution. The tall claims about its achievements are in fact the outcome of the routine course of action. The teaching community is still looking forward to know from them if there is any single issue that they have got clinched at their own initiative and pursuance. Deliberations on Governance Reforms draft was one opportunity for them both within PUTA as well as Senate to contribute towards raising their voice for enhancing PU faculty’ participation in the Senate and Syndicate. Shockingly, let alone speaking in favour of reforms, they were even hesitant to call GBM on the issue. Moreover, instead of discussing the draft of the Governance Reforms, the outgoing PUTA team tried its level best to dilute the essence while articulating what they called Departmental Reforms. We promise our fraternity to strive for greater participation of PU teachers in the Governing Bodies of Panjab University for academic excellence. Our team will sincerely and seriously take up the following yet to be achieved goals:

  1. Implementation of UGC’s 7th pay revision report hit the bottleneck due to objection from MHRD linking it with announcement from Punjab Government. The outgoing PUTA team made no efforts to pave way for the implementation of new pay scales for teachers at the earliest.
  2. The outgoing team had promised to work for getting the central funding to recover PU out of the financial crisis. They did nothing during the entire year that could help PU to gain financial stability.
  3. The issue of PhD increments to many faculty members has been in the stalemate due to unnecessary audit objections. Neither the outgoing team was able to resolve the issue with the audit nor did they pursue the matter at the level of UGC that could help the teachers in availing the benefit.
  4. The counting of past service cases of large number of faculty members are lying pending due to lackadaisical approach of the outgoing PUTA team representatives.
  5. The Faculty in Dental Institute for years is still waiting for their CAS promotions. Even though the promotion policy was approved by Syndicate in early 2017, the issue is being played around by asking for one clarification or the other. The outgoing PUTA team could not move the matter towards any solution at all.
  6. Many of the departments are facing acute shortage of faculty, outgoing PUTA made no efforts to take up the demand for new faculty recruitment in the departments.
  7. House allotment process has slowed down due to the policy of putting the vacated houses for allotment only after completing the repair. This leaves the houses with construction office without any ‘time-line constraints’ leading to excessive delays. This has worked as an impediment for the younger faculty as the unnecessarily extended delay has been denying them shifting/up-gradation to the campus accommodation from outside/TF/NTF. Teachers residing in TF/NTF are still waiting for solution to many of their problems despite regular representations and reminders.
  8. The campus is facing acute power shortage both in sector 14 and 25 for many years and desperately needs a power station each in both the campuses to meet its growing power needs. The case was initiated by PUTA few years back and the outgoing team made no efforts to push the matter further.
  9. The traffic congestion is growing at an alarming rate and requires immediate measures to ease out mobility inside the campus. The outgoing team has shown no intentions over this urgent concern and its solution during their tenure.


Kindly mark X on the ballot paper in front of name of our team members

on 21 August, 2018



President                      Yog Raj Angrish (Punjabi)

Vice President             Anil Kumar (UIPS)

Secretary                      Amrinder Pal Singh (UIET)

Joint Secretary             Suman Sumi (AC Joshi Library)

Treasurer                      Simran Preet (Biophysics)


Executive members

GROUP-I                      Gaurav Kalotra (Geography)

Jasbir Singh (History)

Sarabjit Singh (Punjabi)

Vinod Kumar (Sociology)


GROUP-II                     Anju Goyal (Statistics)

Navneet Kaur (Chemistry)

Samarjit Sihotra (Physics)

Samer Singh (Microbial Biotechnology)


GROUP-III                    Amit Chauhan (UIET)

Anupam Bahri (UILS)

Kitty Sidhu (Dental Sciences)

Minto Rattan (UIET)


GROUP-IV                             G C Chauhan (DES)  Elected unopposed

GROUP-V                     Yojna Rawat (USOL) Elected unopposed