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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

PU Deliberates on Teachings of Swami Vivekananda


Chandigarh February 20, 2021

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Swami Vivekananda Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh in collaboration with Vivekananda Kanyakumari branch Chandigarh, Punab organised a web lecture by Sh.C.S.Talwar IAS (Retd)on “Why Swamiji is a Youth Icon”.

Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor appreciated the endeavours of ICSVS in organising various programs from time to time for the students and faculty of Panjab University. He stressed that we should emulate the teachings of Swami ji which will bring end to our sufferings.

Prof.Renu Thakur Coordinator ICSVS, introduced the speaker.

Shri C.S.Talwar distinguished speaker enlightened on the life and teachings of Swamiji. He is truly an icon for the youth. His message of fearlessness, truthfulness, compassion and strength are most relevant for all of us. He invoked all of us to follow and emulate best of east and west.Swamiji believed religion as an extension of science and yoga as a study of mind by mind itself.Vivekananda was of the view that liberty is important to excel . Women should be free to decide their role in society. The great personalities like Dr.Rabindranath, Aurbindo and Mahatma Gandhi admitted that Swami Vivekananda was their mentor.Swamiji was hopeful that by inculcating good qualities India will rise and shape the future world.

Prof. Devinder Singh Coordinator B.R.Ambedkar centre and SVC

in his remarks stressed youth should inculcate good qualities in them and help the nation to rise and excel. The youth should shun laziness and free themselves from illusion which make them weak as weakness is death and strength is life.

Prof Renu Thakur proposed the vote of thanks and Dr. Monika Agarwal from UIAMS conducted the proceedings of the event.