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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Providing relief to the residents of Young Dwellers Coop Housing Society, Sector-49 Chandigarh,


Providing relief to the residents of Young Dwellers Coop Housing Society, Sector-49 Chandigarh, Estate Office has approved the building plans for installation of lifts in the flats of the said society. This is the first society in Chandigarh whose building plans for installation of lift have been approved by the Estate Office. The installation of lifts in the Young Dewellers Society will give benefit to residents of 84 flats. The expenditure on installation of lifts will be borne by the residents of the society themselves as per internal decision of governing body of the society.

There are 4 other applications of other societies whose building plans for installation of lifts are in process of approval.

There are many housing society flats constructed over the years in different parts of the city. The residents of these societies have been demanding for allowing installation of lifts in the flats.

The approval to install lifts in already constructed societies was given as lifts have become a necessity for the senior citizens, physically challenged persons and persons with medical ailments.