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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Poaching modern medicine is not the answer


IMA unequivocally condemns uncivil ways of the Central Council of Indian Medicine to arrogate itself to vivisect Modern Medicine and empower its practitioners with undeserving areas of practice. The said council has come out with a gazette notification of a list of surgical procedures which can be performed by its practitioners. IMA has no objections to the list of vernacular terms that they have coined. They have no right to the technical terms, techniques and procedures of modern medicine. IMA draws the Lakshman Rekha that they can cross at their peril. The Council has the dubious reputation of prescribing modern medicine textbooks to its students. IMA exhorts the Council to develop their own surgical disciplines from their own ancient texts and not claim the surgical disciplines of Modern Medicine as its own. Such a deviant practice is unbecoming of a statutory body. IMA will have no objections for the council to develop their own dedicated disciplines without mixing Modern Medicine Surgical Disciplines.

At the same time IMA demands that the Government should refrain from posting any modern medicine doctor in the colleges of Indian Medicine. IMA sees this development as a retrograde step of mixing the systems which will be resisted at all costs. All over India students and practitioners of modern medicine are agitated over this violation of mutual identity and respect. What is the sanctity of NEET if such lateral shortcuts are devised? IMA demands to withdraw the order and first delineate the Indian Medicine disciplines based on original Indian Medicine texts.

IMA also creates a firewall for its own members and the fraternity not to teach disciplines of Modern Medicine to the students of other systems. IMA will resist all efforts to mix systems. Let every system grow on its own strength and purity.

Surgical disciplines of Modern Medicine have developed over the last half a millennium. Today Modern Medicine is capable of sophisticated surgical procedures and has the wherewithal to train generations of doctors through institutions of excellence and an ever evolving scientific base. Corrupting Modern Medicine by mixing with other systems and poaching the disciplines of Modern Medicine through back door means is certainly foul play of first order. National Medical Commission should assert itself. NMC is equally responsible to protect the purity of Modern Medicine. People of India deserve better ways to Health.