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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

International Conference on “Translational research on life sciences” an event under CRIKC


The first day of International workshop, under the aegis of CRIKC, in association with Stanford University, USA started quite ceremoniously today at Panjab University, on the theme “Transitional research on life sciences”.

Complementing the organizers for their meticulous and superlative efforts, Professor Arun K Grover, in his presidential remarks, delivered a brief note on the genesis of CRIKC program, and motivated the young participants to follow the foot prints of the legends and to march ahead for higher echelons in their research objectives for inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research activities at national and international level.

Subsequently, Prof. S.K. Mehta, Director SAIF/CIL, PU, highlighted the major objectives of the CRIKC program. The idea of this conference was conceived, during GIAN course conducted by Prof. S. V. Malhotra during October 2018 at PU, with the aim that industry-academia may be created with his support Dr. Rupinder Tewari, Coordinator DST-CPR familiarized the audience with the credentials of the principal resource person and highlighted the major objectives of the course.  Prof. Sanjay Malhotra from Stanford University, USA elaborated upon the fact that the basic aim of this conference is to make us understand Translational research in life sciences.

In the morning session, the inaugural address was delivered by Dr. Anil Koul (Director, CSIR IMTECH, Chandigarh) as the Guest of Honour. In his inaugural talk, he deliberated on the various infectious diseases such as Hepatitis C, B, HIV with special mention of RSV (Respiratory Synctial Virus). The slogan of his lecture was Drug discovery is like finding needle in heap of waste. His main points for discussion were on the absence of clinical research in INDIA. He strengthens the audience by encouraging them to contribute, Get involved and be evolved.

After the inauguration, Prof. Parveen Rishi highlighted the translational research activities at Panjab University followed by short presentations by Dr. Sanjay Bhadada (PGIMER, Chandigarh), Prof. P. Guptasarma (IISER Mohali), Prof. Saranjeet Singh (NIPER Mohali) and Dr. H. K. Sardana (CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh) who presented the glimpse of translational research at their respective institutes.

This tailored international conference would help CRIKCs to comprehend the important applications of translational research.