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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Health Advisory on Air Pollution


Health Advisory on Air Pollution
I. General Population:
Reduce risk from exposure to air pollutants by taking up the following measures–
Avoid preferably places with high air pollution like roads with slow & heavy traffic, areas near polluting industries, construction-demolition sites.
1. Avoid outdoor morning and late evening walk, run, jog and physical exercise. Do not open external doors and windows during morning and late evening hours, may ventilate if necessary between 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. in afternoon (Days with poor to severe AQI)
2. Avoid burning biomass such as wood, coal, animal dung, kerosene. Use clean smokeless fuels (gas or electricity) for cooking and heating purposes. If using biomass, use clean cook stoves.
3. Avoid burning of wood/ charcoal in ‘Anghiti’ during winters, in closed and confined condition which may be fatal due to CO and built up CO2.
4. Avoid use of room fresheners, it has ill effects as it consume O2 in vicinity very fast.
5. Do not smoke cigarettes, bidis and related tobacco products.
6. Avoid burning mosquito coils and incense sticks in closed premises.
7. Reschedule outdoor activities as per AQI, and remain indoors on days with poor to
severe AQI.
8. Practice wet mopping instead of sweeping or vacuum cleaning inside homes.If you choose to use vacuum cleaner, use those having High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter
9. Keep washing your eyes with running water regularly and do regular gargles with warm water.
10. Consult the nearest doctor in case of breathlessness, giddiness, cough, chest discomfort or pain, irritation in eyes (red or watery).
11. Healthy diet, with fruit and vegetables rich in antioxidants, and adequate amount of hydration by drinking water is advocated.
12. Consider use of close fitted N-95 or N-99 mask to reduce exposure to air pollution on days of poor to severe air pollution.

II. Those with underlying medical conditions particularly chronic pulmonary or cardiovascular problems should have following additional measures:
1. Be more careful to avoid exposure to air pollution
2. Avoid any strenuous activity and stay indoor during higher AQI levels
3. Keep a check on exacerbations of suggestive symptoms
4. Properly follow doctor’s instructions on healthcare
5. Keep the prescribed medications readily available
6. Seek immediate medical advice if symptoms worsen