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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Expert Talk on a dialogue titled “Driving Disruptions”


Expert Talk on a dialogue titled “Driving Disruptions” as part of the “Amrit Kaal Vimarsh Viksit Bharat @2047″celebration held on 13th February, 2024 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Sector 26,Chandigarh.
Aiming to achieve the vision of honourable Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi Ji; Ministry of Education, Government of India in collaboration with All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), has planned a series of seminars that are being organized across the country to discuss the transformational changes that has laid to the
foundation of Viksit Bharat by 2047. In continuation to this series, NITTTR Chandigarh held an Expert Talk on a dialogue titled “Driving Disruptions” as part of the “Amrit Kaal Vimarsh Viksit Bharat @ 2047” celebration on 13th February 2024 morning at its S.S. Bhatnagar Auditorium. Shri. Vinod Malhotra, IAS (Retd.) Senior Advisor & Head, Saamarthya Teachers Training Academy of Research (STTAR); Board of Governors, Jaipuria School of Busines delivered the expert talk on this occasion. Sh. Vinod Malhotra initiated his talk emphasizing that Unprecedented Disruptions are characterized by interplay of the forces along three primary dimension viz.-a-viz. Technology, Climate Change, Conflicts etc. Further, Sh. Vinod Malhotra spoke about disruptions that are impacting India and the society. He talked about change being inevitable however, societal/civilizational changes require change of mindset and/or thought process. He emphasized on importance of selfintrospection for the spiritual growth of human being along with the quest to know one’s own-self both from outside
and inside. Technological impact has become very prominent in last one decade and it has disrupted us in a very unprecedented manner. Technology has started to interfere in every aspect of our lives. Sh. Malhotra also dwelled on the drastic impact of climate/environment change not only on the lives of humans but on economy, social, cultural aspects in the present-day world as well as other living beings.
Keep doing small things for the neighborhood, society, locality, or planet. A little contribution by everyone will go a long way in making this planet a better place to live – he said.
Mr. Malhotra expressed his scientific interpretation of two shlokas from Shri Bhagvad Geeta wherein he talked about the imbalance in cosmos and how this is related to exploitation of nature/climate being done by the humans. He reflected on the both sides of the automation and technology.
He further emphasized that in the present context though Artificial Intelligence has assumed more importance than real intelligence yet AI cannot replace the Human Intelligence, and propounded it is question of balance and distributable justice which must be practiced by one and all for sustaibanle development and taking into consideration the emotional quotient.
He also highlighted the importance of spiritual quotient in the making of Viksit Bharat, and put forth that If we show concern for each another and share collective responsibility then the dream of Viksit Bharat can be better realized.
The session was followed by an inquisitive Question and Answer session from the audience.