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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

All set for the much-awaited event 5th PGI GI emergency update by PGIMER’s Department of Gastroenterology starting tomorrow


gastroentrology programme structure

All set for the much-awaited event 5th PGI GI emergency update by PGIMER’s Department of Gastroenterology starting tomorrow

Chandigarh: “The Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh stands for being a premier institute in postgraduate training and has pioneered various postgraduates’ courses in the country. This 5th PGI GI Emergency Program is focused on training postgraduates from all over the country in a structured and comprehensive manner and is starting tomorrow.” Stated Professor Usha Dutta, Head of Department, Gastroenterology at PGIMER while detailing the upcoming event.

“We realized that patients who come to the emergency in any hospital in India need evidenced based efficient care to improve their survival. Patients when they come to the emergency need expedient management to be instituted at the earliest possible to improve their outcomes. The postgraduate MD/DM/DNB/MS residents is usually the first contact to the patient their in the training process and in difficult cases need to consult senior faculty/ consultations in order to streamline management. This results in loss of time which is precious.” informed Prof. Dutta.

Prof. Dutta. Further shared, “ We realised that this gap in the Indian Medical Education process needed to be bridged so we made a mobile app for GI emergencies which was launched in the year 2016 during our first PGI GI Emergency program. This is a free user-friendly evidence-based mobile app that has been downloaded by over 5000 users all over the country and other countries. This app provides structured information to the user to help him diagnosed the conditions; assess the severity, plan investigations and institute treatment. Subsequently we have also released updated version of the mobile app.

Due to practical challenges in managing emergencies in our country the Indian experts who are faculty for this conference tailored the existing evidence for managing patients in the Indian scenario. The previous conference was held in year 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020 and the present one. Last year due to COVID-19, we had held a virtual conference and this year this conference is hybrid. The departmental faculty has gone a long way in guiding us to put this program together and sustain this venture added Prof. Dutta.

Prof. Usha Dutta, further informed that the conference which is an important event for training young doctors in the management of GI emergencies, is being guided by Prof.R.Kochhar and that she looks forward to a safe, engaging and fulfilling event.

 Dr Harshal Mandavdhare, the organizing secretary, informed that the emphasis this year will be on training the participants regarding best practices through case-based discussions.

Dr Anupam Singh, the co-organizing secretary, informed that the conference has already seen 650 registrations from postgraduates across the country and 100 residents will be attending from the institute.