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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

​Adviser reviews status of existing cycle tracks and newly proposed green corridors


​Adviser reviews status of existing cycle tracks and newly proposed green corridors

​Dr. Dharam Pal, Adviser to the Administrator reviewed the status of the current cycle tracks and the newly proposed green corridors/ cycle tracks for the cyclists of the city.
​Sh. CB Ojha, Chief Engineer, U.T. gave detailed presentation regarding the existing conditions of the cycle tracks and the new cycle tracks which are proposed to be undertaken during the current year and action plan for upkeep & maintenance of the cycle tracks to keep them in good condition.
​As per the Action Plan, the existing cycle tracks of 45 kms. will be re-carpeted within the stipulated time frame. In addition, the construction of 38 kms. new cycle tracks are also to be undertaken during the current year.
​The Chief Engineer, U.T. highlighted the independent survey conducted by the Chandigarh Cycling Community – Cyclegiri has been taken into consideration before improving the condition of cycle tracks of the city and to provide a cycle friendly tracks to the cycling enthusiasts. The department has also prepared a GIS map by geotagging all existing cycle tracks in the city.
​Out of total two Green Corridors (NMT) which are proposed to be undertaken during this year, the construction of the first green corridor (8 kms) along the N-Choe under the Non-motorised Transport (NMT) Project will also be taken up at once so as to ensure safe cycling experience to the cyclists of the city.
​Disposal of household waste water and unauthorised back side openings of the houses were pinned as major issues by the officials. The respective stakeholders have started determining the best course of action to tackle this issue, and has also decided to take action against the frequent offenders.
​All the stakeholders have been working collectively to improve the existing cycle tracks by eliminating the ground issues and acting proactively on the suggestions received at different platforms.
​Sh. Nitin Yadav, Secretary Transport, Smt. Anindita Mitra, Commissioner MC, Sh. Vinay Pratap Singh, Deputy Commissioner, Sh. Yaspal Garg, Ceo Chandigarh Housing Board, Smt. Manisha Chaudhary, SSP, Sh. CB Ojha, Chief Engineer, Sh. Kapil Setia, Chief Architect, experts from Chandigarh Road Safety society, officers of engineering and architect department were also present in the meeting.