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Special Lecture on ‘Data Journalism and Verification’ held at SCS, PU


Chandigarh April 5, 2023

Special Lecture on ‘Data Journalism and Verification’ held at SCS, PU

A special lecture was organized at School of Communication Studies on ‘Data Journalism and Verification’. Prof. Umesh Arya from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar was the resource person who discussed the various aspects of digital tools available to journalists for newsgathering and verification. Dr. Bhavneet Bhatti, Chairperson, School of Communication Studies informed that April 2, 2023 is observed as the International Fact Checking Day and this lecture marks the significance of fact checking and data journalism in today’s day and age. Prof Arya in his lecture apprised the students with the digital tools like Google Trends, Google Pinpoint, that can not only be of use to journalists but also help in effective research work and thus students and faculty from various disciplines can benefit from these.