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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Dept of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh has organized an interactive session with an Alumni Dr. Harmesh Kumar, a Licensed Psychologist in California, USA.


Chandigarh March 1, 2023

Dept of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh has organized an interactive session with an Alumni Dr. Harmesh Kumar, a Licensed Psychologist in California, USA. He is a Founder President of South Asian Behavioral Health Foundation, California, USA.

Dr. Roshan Lal, Chairperson, dept of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh welcomed the speaker and Prof J M Jerath and through his talk on “The Alumni: A journey with Psychology” enlightened the students about his student life and career thereafter. He stressed on the academic values of Panjab University because of being well recognized abroad and the field of psychology is well demanded across the world. He referred many religious Gurus in reference to psychology and said whosoever would like to be a psychologists must read the religious scriptures like Geeta, Guru Granth Sahib etc. because all these are full of psychology of daily life.  Dr Kumar also said that presently there is a need to work on  “Healing of Healers”   many psychologists are facing/faced so much difficult times in their personal, social and professional setting. So time has come to work toward this area also. He focussed on how to live a healthy life: 1. Good friends. 2. Meaning full life. 3. Focussed life. 4. One is to take a pause in difficult situation and thereafter to relook TO RESTART. 5. To go out. 6. To go for change. 7. Have faith on nature/God. 8. Self analysis is must to know his/her own weaknesses.

Dr. Kumar also shared about how to go to study abroad, specially to study psychology, because learning across the culture/boundary always equip you with versatile knowledge. H inspired the aspiring students about how to select the course/university in USA in the field of psychology.

Prof. J M Jerath the former professor of psychology (p u Chd) also shared his valuable ideas and experiences as a faculty of the department and said consistency in hard work and curiosity to learn new thing to update is the most fundamental principle of success in life.