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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

5th Rashtriya Poshan Pakhwada celebrated in PGIMER, today


5th Rashtriya Poshan Pakhwada celebrated in PGIMER, today

The Department of Dietetics, PGIMER, Chandigarh celebrated 5th Rashtriya Poshan Pakhwada on 3rd April, 2023 under the banner of IAPEN India Chandigarh Chapter. Dr. Nancy Sahni, Chief Dietician, Department of Dietetics, PGIMER as well as Secretary, IAPEN India Chandigarh Chapter and Dr. Pankaj Malhotra, Prof. & Head, Hemato-Oncology unit and President, IAPEN India Chandigarh Chapter, were the organizing Chairpersons for the same.

IAPEN is a non- profitable charitable organisation which aims to raise malnutrition awareness both in community as well as hospital setting by developing integrated nutrition pathways of care and working closely with govt and non govt organisations to ensure that nutrition becomes everyones responsibility
Poshan Pakhwada aims to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition and promote healthy eating habits through Jan Andolan and Jan Bhagidari . Behavioral change at individual and community level is an important component to achieve the desired goals of a Kuposhan-mukt Bharat and the same was celebrated by conducting this workshop on “Nutritional Wellbeing Through Indigenous Foods, Health and Hygiene for All” with talks on personal and kitchen hygiene, food hygiene, use of millets and therapeutic and complementary feeds. Honorable Director Prof. Vivek Lal, PGIMER, Chandigarh presided as Chief Guest, Prof. Vipin Kaushal Medical Superintendent, Prof. & Head, Hospital Admn. PGI, Chandigarh was the guest of honor

Target population was hospital kitchen food handlers, mothers & children, community nursing students, social welfare worker, faculty and residents. Nearly 250 participants attended the workshop.
Millets are a highly nutritious crop containing optimum amount of protein ,fibre and complex carbohydrates along with considerable amounts of vitamins and minerals. They are naturally rich in magnesium and potassium, therefore have a cardio protective role as well as helps to combat high blood pressure. The plant lagans and high fibre content of millets help them to become therapeutic for diabetes and high cholesterol. Finger millet (ragi) and pearl millet (bajra) based diets have shown lower glycemic response due to high fiber content and also alpha amylase inhibition properties which are known to reduce starch digestibility and absorption.
The presence of phytochemicals and important antioxidants indicates the potential of neutralizing free radicals. Anti-cancer properties of sorghum (jowar) have been well documented. The polyphenols and tannins present in sorghum have anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties and can act against human melanoma cells, as well as positive melanogenic activity. Kodo millet is rich in folic acid and easy to digest.
Judicious use of millets should be there in day to days life. One can swap a cereal with millets in one of the meals of the day. For example millet porridge in breakfast, millet roti in lunch or dinner. One can also add a tasty and nutritious snacks in ones diet such as millet dhokla, millet idly, millet pinni, millet kheer, millet bhelpuri or millet salad. A well balanced diet along with sufficient physical activity is the base of good health. It’s very important that along with addition of millets in diet, one should keep a check on the quality and quantity of the overall diet ingested. Over-zealous use of millets also should be avoided since these are goitrogenic in nature. Therefore, balance is the key.