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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

25th Public Health Leadership and Management Training for Senior Program Managers of 19 countries kickstarted at PGI Chandigarh


25th Public Health Leadership and Management Training for Senior Program Managers of 19 countries kickstarted at PGI Chandigarh

Two weeks leadership program hosted by PGIMER Chandigarh with senior policy makers from 19 countries inaugurated
“Embracing the transformative power of gamification and cross-cultural learning, through the fusion of play and education, and the exchange of diverse perspectives, IPHMDP has paved the way for innovative solutions and global collaboration in advancing public health across the globe.” said Dr. Prof. Sonu Goel, PGIMER, Chandigarh and Program Director during inaugural ceremony of 10-Day International Public Health Management Development Program, which is attended by program managers and policy makers of 19 countries. The program, 25th in the series since 2016, has been organized by Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh. While hosting high tea for 37 senior delegates of 19 countries namely Tanzania, Malawi, Ethiopia, Egypt, Algeria, Ghana, Fiji, Mongolia, St.Kitts & Nevis, Tajikistan, South Sudan, Maldives, Botswana, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Tonga, Vietnam, Armenia and Burundi, Dr Goel reaffirmed that the current leadership program is a perfect program which will help delegates in inculcating effective management and leadership techniques for betterment of the countries, besides building inter country and inter institutional collaborations. He said that the participants will learn skills like communication, team building, motivation, and other soft skills which will help in finetuning the health policies of their countries for achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). More than 1300 senior delegates from 87 countries had already enhanced their skills through this flagship program of Indian Technical Economic Cooperation (ITEC), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India over the past 8 years, he said. In the current era of COVID 19 and other emerging pandemics, the program has also galvanized South- South development cooperation with 161 ITEC countries in Asia, Africa, East Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean and Pacific and Small Island countries under the ancient Indian philosophy ‘Vasudeva Kutumbakam’ i.e. world is one family, said Dr. Sonu Goel.
During the program, the experts taught the delegates through formal and informal training techniques like group thinking, inciting novice ideas, critical analysis, problem-solving exercises, case studies, management games and introduced them to Public Health Management through ancient wisdom of Indian sub-continent. The delegates shall also be showcased good practices of the institute, and of Central Research Institute, Kausali and health wellness centre, Shimla which they shall replicate in their respective countries.
Apart from this, a cultural event is planned at Shimla, where participants can informally interact with each other for peer learning and networking for future endeavours. The course would end on 15th February 2024 with a Valedictory ceremony awarding the best participants in various categories. After the program, they will make an Action Plan for their Country/Institution based upon the learning of program which will be followed up with submission of Action Plan Implementation Report after 3 months of program. The best country report shall be rewarded by Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India.