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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Webinar on Cyber Offences by UIAMS, PU


University Institute of Applied Management Sciences (UIAMS) in Collaboration with NSS Panjab University Chandigarh Organized webinar on Cyber Offences: International and National Laws with Special reference to India to commemorate Vigilance Awareness Week.
Prof. Upasna Joshi Sethi, Director UIAMS formally welcomed the guests and shared the background of the theme of the webinar. Prof. Sk.Tomar, Guest of honour of the event shared his views about the relevance of the theme and briefed the audience about NSS, PU and its exemplary activities.
The Chief Guest of the Webinar was Prof. Meenakshi Malhotra stressed the need to spread awareness about these crimes as university students, teachers and staff are prone to these. In her address, Prof. Malhotra stated that the right kind of environment can be created and adequate measures shall be taken up so as to prevent crime before-hand. The speaker apprised the audience about various terminologies i.e. Cyber crime and cyber offence.
Prof. Jyoti Ratan also deliberated on the various sections like 43 A of IT (Amendment) Act 2008 pertaining to sensitive personal information, sections 66 E pertaining to Rights to Privacy, Section 67 B cases against children and many more. She substantiated these with the help of a lot of cases, and referred to MMS scandal of Mandi District in state of Himachal Pradesh, Scandal in JNU and many more. Lastly she enlightened the audience with cyber terrorism and explained it thoroughly citing various relevant cases of 9/11, Code Red Virus and like.
The Vote of thanks was proposed by Coordinator of the Webinar Dr. Naveen Kumar, Assistant Professor, UIAMSreciated. The efforts of the students’ coordinator team including Dihksa Gautam, Kartikay and Suruchi were well appreciated.