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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

UIAMS organized a talk on promotion of Universal Values and Ethics in Management Education on August 18, 2022.


Chandigarh August 18, 2022

UIAMS organized a talk on promotion of Universal Values and Ethics in Management Education on August 18, 2022. Dr. Naveen Kumar formally introduced the resource person, Prof. Sudhir Kumar, Director, Research and Development Cell, PU among the 75 participants including faculty members, research scholars and students. Prof. Kumar, in his address, has emphasized that universal values are at the corner stone of NEP-2020. Articulation of universal values is pre-requisite and exists in every thought and ideology. During his discussion, he has given insight of sustainable development goals (SDGs) and saints like Bulleh Shah, Baba Nanak, and concept of modernity and post-modernity. Thereafter, he briefed the audience about the undiscovered meaning of management and made audience understand that how ‘Saadhana’ complements to the ‘cognitive knowledge’ to become an efficient manager. Prof. Monika Aggarwal, Director UIAMS proposed a formal word of thanks and appreciated that how these values can inculcate the sense of unity and ensured that all the listeners will surely try to imbibe that in their behaviour. Prof. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Prof. Upasna Joshi Sethi, Prof. Nishi Sharma, Dr. Arunachal Khosla and Dr. Jagandeep Singh enabled in successful completion of the event.