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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Technology Enabling Centre (TEC) of Panjab University, Chandigarh in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Chandigarh Administration organized CRIKC-CII exhibition in Panjab University, Adviser to the administrator, Shri Dharam Pal (IAS) inaugurates the Exhibition along with Dean of University Chandigarh.


Technology Enabling Centre (TEC) of Panjab University, Chandigarh in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Chandigarh Administration organized CRIKC-CII exhibition in Panjab University, Adviser to the administrator, Shri Dharam Pal (IAS) inaugurates the Exhibition along with Dean of University Chandigarh.

This is for the first time that this type of R&D fair was organized in this region wherein around 32 stalls were put by Academia/Industry to showcase around 80 technologies. The participating institutes that exhibited their technologies included Panjab University and other institutes of Chandigarh Region Innovation and Knowledge Cluster (CRIKC) like PEC, PGIMER, IIT-Ropar, NITTTR, CSIR-IMTECH, CCET, CSIR-CSIO, Chitkara University, Rayat Bahra University and NIELIT. Also, IIT Roorkee, IIT Jammu, Jaypee University, Solan and Research Scholars/ Students from Panjab University will showcase their R&D in this exhibition. Industries like Cheema Boilers Ltd., Atos Instruments Marketing Services, Diplast Plastic Ltd., Shakti Model Works, Ecologique Science Technik (India) Pvt Ltd, Omicslogic Bioinformatics and Data Science India (OPC) Pvt. Ltd., Amerging Technologies etc. presented their innovations in this Exhibition.

Dr. P.J. Singh, Vice Chairman of CII, briefed everyone about 10 Interface clubs that have been created with membership from Industry as well as Academia to promote Industry-academia collaborations.

Adviser to the administrator, Shri Dharam Pal (IAS) expressed his pleasure for this event that has been one of the kind technology fair organized in this region. He also urged that we should make Chandigarh an excellent centre for research.Instruction of Panjab University, Professor Renu Vig and Chairman of CII (Punjab), Shri Amit Thapar. Alum of Panjab University, and current Vice-Chairman of CII (Punjab), Dr P J Singh played key role in organizing this exhibition and was the main force behind mobilizing Industry for this exhibition.