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State President of Bharatiya Janata Party, Chandigarh to put the demands and problems of all sections, urban and rural people of Chandigarh


Chandigarh March 27, 2021:
State President of Bharatiya Janata Party, Chandigarh to put the demands and problems of all sections, urban and rural people of Chandigarh vigorously before the Chandigarh Administrator and their permanent solution. Under the leadership of Sood, the Administrator and the Governor of Punjab met V.P. Badnore. The delegation not only discussed all the demands of all sections of Chandigarh by studying them one by one but also presented suggestions to the administrator regarding their solution. The delegation included state president Sood along with senior party leader and co-incharge of Himachal Pradesh Sanjay Tandon, State Organization General Secretary Dinesh Kumar, State General Secretary Rambir Bhatti, Mayor Ravikant Sharma. Giving detailed information about this meeting, the state president of the party, Arun Sood said that the delegation had a series of discussions with the Administrator on various aspects of Chandigarh one by one and demanded that these problems should be resolved at the earliest.
Water Bill: The delegation apprised the Administrator that the amended resolution has been passed by the House to provide relief to the people from the rate of water increased by the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation. Since the notification has been issued in September about the increased rate by the administration, it needs to be changed as per the recommendations of the revised proposal passed by the House. Therefore, the notification should be changed according to the amendment proposal passed by the House.
According to the revised proposal, as long as the corona section is going on, it has been recommended to give water bills at the old rates and after that it has been said to increase these rates slowly and with little increase. So that the financial deficit of the Municipal Corporation can also be reduced and the people of Chandigarh should not bear any financial burden at all. Housing Board Housing Problem: The delegation also spoke to the Administrator about the permanent solution to the problem of the residents of the houses built by the Housing Board in Chandigarh and recommended that the manner in which the people were provided relief by the government regarding the need base change in Delhi In the same way, relief should be provided to the people living in the houses of Chandigarh Housing Board and soon, the representatives of the high-level committee should be seated with the officials of the board to solve this problem so that a roadmap can be prepared on the lines of Delhi to provide relief to the people. It is worth mentioning that the government of the then Chief Minister and senior BJP leader V.K. Malhotra in Delhi had formulated a policy to provide relief to the people, which was implemented.
Co-operative Housing Society: Keeping in mind the problems of this category of people, the delegation told the administrator that a policy should be made to hold the houses of the people from leasehold to freehold. He also said that recently, people of housing societies were earlier required to pay double domestic charge of water, but now through the Municipal Corporation, provision has been made to provide domestic charge on the basis of meter reading. The administrator also expressed satisfaction about this.
Fund for the development of villages: On the other hand, taking the problems of the people of the village before the administrator, the delegation requested that all the villages of Chandigarh have been included in the Municipal Corporation, hence the construction of roads for the development of villages on the lines of the city of Chandigarh , Municipal Corporation needs additional grant for sewerage, building construction, water line, street light, community center, park etc. BJP state president Arun Sood recommended that these above development works should be started on a war footing from next month and for this a grant of Rs 102 (90 + 12) crores to the corporation, which should be released so that the development So that the work can be started. The Administrator on the spot handed over the documents to the Corporation Mayor Ravikant Sharma to release an amount of 50 crores for these works under the current financial year 2020-21 so that these works can be started with immediate effect. The delegation thanked the administrator for this. The administrator assured that the remaining amount will also be released under the next financial year 2021-22 so that there is no shortfall in the development of the villages.
Collectorate rate increase: The Collectorate rate of land in the villages of Chandigarh is much lower than the land adjacent to neighboring states. Due to this, the villagers get very low rates of compensation for the land. The delegation said that when all the villages of Chandigarh have been included in the Municipal Corporation, then in such a way, the Collectorate rate of their land should be increased and the guidelines should be provided to the Deputy Commissioner of Chandigarh immediately.
Lal Dora: The delegation recommended the elimination of Lal Dora within the villages of Chandigarh, saying that most of the land of the people of the villages has been acquired by the administration. The villagers have limited land left and even on that ground, the sword of red thread hangs on them. Also change of land use and regularization policy should be implemented. Not only this, a high level committee should also be set up to maintain these policies and do the work related to it. Representatives of the public should also be kept in this committee, as well as this committee should also keep an eye on that the fees for the regularization of the constructions outside the Lal Dora should not be kept very heavy and all the money that comes to the Municipal Corporation Must come to the village, because the villages have also been included in the Municipal Corporation.
Street and Roadside Vendors: Keeping in view all the problems faced by the vendors, the delegation said that the Vendors Act was provisioned to protect their livelihoods so that poor people are provided with employment opportunities. Through this act, there is a lot of fury within the vendors. Not only this, where those people are given a place, there is a lack of basic facilities. The administrator also recognized that vendors really need to study more for permanent employment. For this, the delegation recommended that the Vendors Committee set up by the Mayor for officers and counselors be allowed to study outside the big parks, where these people were raised, if there is any statutory, to get permanent employment of these people. If there is no objection, then the same should be done and the survey should be carried out so that they are relieved from the troubles they are facing at present and they should be surveyed again. It is noteworthy that not a single member of the Town Vending Committee constituted by the corporation is a public representative. Due to which the facilities of the vendors were overlooked. The delegation demanded that at least 6 councilors of the corporation should also be included in this committee and its Mayor should be made the chairman. Not only this, the delegation demanded that the street vendors committee should be constituted in the same way as other sub-committees have been set up in the corporation. Administrator Badnore gave his consent and said that they should send the draft to him soon and they will soon issue information about the formation of this committee.
Problems of industrialists: Similarly, the policy of leasehold to freehold should be implemented in the industrial sector as well and the benefit of the industrial policy issued by the central government is currently being given to the owners of one canal or more, all these benefits. In order to enable industrialists to achieve this, a concrete policy should also be brought.
Urban Residential Plot Policy: The delegation said that people are hesitating to convert their property under the leasehold to freehold policy for the urban residential property as the conversion fees fixed by the administration are high. This fee should be reduced so that people can come forward and convert their property under this policy and the administration will start receiving more revenue from it. The delegation also talked about reducing the collector rate of the city.
Regularizing the contracted personnel: The delegation, citing the judicial verdict of the Uma Devi case in the Honorable Supreme Court, urged the Administrator that any department, corporation, any category of Chandigarh, be it a guest teacher or others, who are constantly They have been serving above 10 years, they should be regularized. As per the provision, once contracted people can be regularized. But till now the Chandigarh administration has never used this provision, so those people who have been serving Chandigarh for so many years, regularize those people and provide relief to them.
Rehabilitation Colony Ownership: The matter has been stuck for a long time regarding the ownership of 28 rehabilitation colonies falling under the rehabilitation scheme in Chandigarh city. The delegation informed that once in the year 1990, an application was made to get ownership of these people for one month only, which never happened after that. At that time most people were deprived of it. In order to enable the remaining people to get the ownership of their houses, a concrete policy should be implemented so that those purchasing on the Power of Otroni can get the ownership of their houses.
On the other hand, while speaking about the three colonies in Sector 37 and Sector 38, the delegation said that long ago there was no provision of government house allotment to class IV employees of the Municipal Corporation, so to settle these people The government had built a chip house and provided houses to these people. These houses were built for rehabilitation. Because there are many other options for rehabilitation houses and most of them are lying vacant and are becoming blocky. Even some addicts have made a hangout there. In this way, unlike the misuse and neglect, if the people living in these cheap houses are given their ownership due to the job, then from this they will get a revenue and the people living in those houses will be able to live easily.
Gau Raksha Board: Gau Raksha Board has been set up at various places in order to prevent the decline and increase of the Gau dynasty by the central government, and to provide all kinds of facilities for cows there. The provision of spending cow cess for cow mother only for this work is being made by the central government. In such a situation, a Gau Raksha Board should be set up in Chandigarh so that cow mata can be saved from being abandoned, and to keep Chandigarh clean and tidy.
OBC and Scheduled Caste Certificates: BJP State President Sood said that this week he had a meeting with the Deputy Commissioner of Chandigarh regarding the problems of people of this category and discussed in detail for this. He urged the Administrator that the Deputy Commissioner had asked for a study for this work and that guidelines should be provided for further intensification of the work so that the people could get the certificate without any inconvenience at the earliest. Portal for Crop Purchase by the Government: State President Arun Sood informed Administrator VP Badnore that last week a delegation of farmers and farmers of Chandigarh came to meet him and he told the problem that according to the guidelines issued by the Central Government, crops now For procurement of land, the minimum support price will be transferred directly to the farmer’s accounts by making the land documents available on the government portal. Because there is no online portal for the farmers of Chandigarh by the Chandigarh administration, in their intervention, the Central Government has at present provided facilities to the farmers on the portal of the Food Supply Department so that the farmers do not face any problem in getting the price of the crop, But at the same time suggested that for this kind of facility, its own portal of administration should also be prepared immediately so that the farmer can go there and get his registration done.
Resettlement colony survey: The delegation said that in 2006, the Chandigarh administration conducted a biometric survey to provide houses to the people residing in the resettlement colony and during that time, due to border dispute, the people of the colonies adjacent to Mohali and Panchkula could not be surveyed. | The people there were deprived of taking houses. In such a situation, he demanded from the Administrator that a special biometric survey of the remaining colonies should be conducted and those people should be given the benefit of rehabilitation schemes like other people.
Nursing homes in homes: Regarding the provision of recognition of nursing homes built in Chandigarh homes, the delegation recommended that the Health Advisory Committee of Chandigarh Advisory Committee also recommend nursing home drivers with specific guidelines on this issue. It has been recommended to provide relief. The delegation said that because the emergency can provide the primary facility to the patient at the earliest, for this, the rules of these nursing homes should be decided and allowed to run and the options for better improvement should be explored.
Private school arbitrariness: Many parents approached the state president Sood for delegation of arbitrary special annual fees by private schools and made them aware that private schools are talking about arbitrarily depositing fees to parents. So far Corona is running and a concrete policy should be made to curb the arbitrary ravages of private schools.
Highlighting the problem of auto mechanics: On the other hand, highlighting the problem of mechanics working in the luggage of all the motor markets of Chandigarh, the delegation said that the employment of such mechanics sitting temporarily should also continue, there is a wide choice for them to make a different place But they should be provided a place to work.
After listening to all the above demands and problems by the delegation, Chandigarh Administrator VP Badnore assured the delegation that they would make meaningful efforts to solve all kinds of problems of the people of Chandigarh and for intensive study for the concerned officials. Guidelines will be provided so that people can be benefited by solving these problems in time.