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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

St. Anne’s Celebrated Teachers Day.


St. Anne’s Celebrated Teachers Day.
Students of St. Anne’s organized a scintillating program for their
teachers on teachers’ day. Beginning with Bharatanatyam, school
auditorium was reverberating with various dance performances of
different forms back to back. The School rock band gave a musical treat
to all the audience. A short humorous skit was also presented
highlighting the role of teacher in students’ lives.
Later cake cutting ceremony was also done. Manager of the school,
Reverend Father Ambrose appreciated the students for their efforts and
motivated them to respect the teachers heartily. He emphasized on good
character as the indispensable part of education. School captain Arshiya
Gautam and Vice-captain, Partyaksha thanked teachers for their
invaluable role in children’s lives.
A prayer service was done in the Church and Principal of the school,
Sr. Siji presented token of appreciation to all the teachers.