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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

PU VC felicitates the Team for Smooth Conduct of Online Examinations


Chandigarhsunita shastri: Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Panjab Universityinteracted with the entire team who handled the conduct of Online Examinations. He extended his felicitations for the commendable job of the smooth and successful conduct of examinations. PU VC encouraged them to upgrade their skills by going for the advanced training and should continue working in the same way for the other jobs of the university.

The core team responsible for the conduct of examinations included Prof. RK Singla, DCSA,

Prof. Sukhwinder Singh, Director Computer Centre, Prof. Harish Kumar, UIET, Prof. Naveen Aggarwal, UIET, Prof. Ajay Mittal. They were supported by the technical team from The Computer Unit and Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Computer Centre.Dr. JagatBhushan, controller of Examination informed that there were multiple milestones which the team members achieved which included:

1. Development of the application to download Question Papers and upload Answer Sheets.

2. Hosting the application on a robust environment to cater more than 1 Lac candidates concurrently to download Question Papers and upload Answer Sheets.

3. Exploring alternatives for hosting the application on cloud.

4. Configuration of G-Suite, Google Forms and CDN to ensure the stability of the application.