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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

One-day seminar on “Partition Horror Remembrance Day”.


Chandigarh August 5, 2022

Department of History, Panjab University in collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts and Ministry of Culture, Government of India, held a one day seminar on “Partition Horror Remembrance Day”. The inaugural session was attended by eminent dignitaries like Professor Raghuvendra Tanwar, Padma Shri and Chairman Indian Council of Historical Research, Professor Jagbir Singh, Chancellor, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda and Professor S.S. Sohal, former head, Department of History, Guru Nanak Dev University. Professor Anju Suri, Dean College Development Council and Coordinator- Amrit Mohatsav Committee, Panjab University, Chandigarh formally welcomed the guests. Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University, Professor Raj Kumar ji introduced the theme of the seminar, while narrating anecdotes of the people affected by the partition and hoped that the future generations would learn lessons and move forward harmoniously.

Professor Raghuvendra Tanwar delivered the keynote address highlighting the error in accepting the partition as a natural phenomenon. He blamed pre-ponement of partition, indifferent attitude of British administration and the elite’s refusal to help the poor and down trodden.  According to him, women suffered the most during partition and one got to hear sordid tales of inhumanity. The violence and its horrible dimensions were not due to the state but the absence of the state. He supported his argument with archival pictures and other contemporary records.

Professor S.S. Sohal narrated how cinema responded to this violence even after many years. Professor Jagbir Singh, Chancellor Central University of Panjab, Bathinda, gave his presidential remarks, highlighting the root reasons of the partition. He believed one cannot overcome the deep scars acquired during partition which was a kind of civilizational fracture. The proceedings of the seminar were concluded by Dr. Priyatosh Sharma, Director of the seminar.

Dr. Jasbir Singh, Co-ordinator of seminar proposed a vote of thanks and the session ended with the National Anthem.  Five research papers relating to gender, dalits, tribes and partition narratives were presented in the technical session.