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One day CNE organised by Dietetics Department PGI, Chandigarh


One day CNE organised by Dietetics Department PGI, Chandigarh

Department of Dietetics, PGIMER, Chandigarh in association with Nutrition Society of India, Chandigarh Chapter organized a Continuing Nutrition Education (CNE) on Sunday 13th November 2022 at Bhargav Auditorium, PGIMER, Chandigarh on the theme “Challenges and Nutritional Strategies in Gastrointestinal Disorders – Prevention and Treatment” The program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Hon’ble Director Prof. Vivek Lal, PGIMER, Chandigarh. Shri Kumar Gaurav Dhawan , Deputy Director administration , Prof. Ashok Kumar, AMS and other faculty members were also present on the occasion.

Diet and nutrition are known to play key roles in the pathogenesis and as therapeutic options in many gastrointestinal diseases. The amount of food, its form, the frequency of feeding, and the composition of diet each have important effects on GI function and may be used to help ameliorate signs of GI disease.

Right from uncomplicated digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) to complicated ones like Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), gastrointestinal cancer, and colorectal cancer; all can lead to deterioration of health and can even be fatal at times.

Eminent Speakers from PGI and other hospitals of repute in north India shared their knowledge on the subject. Speakers from PGI Prof. S.K.Sinha, Prof. Atul Sachdeva (Max Hospital), Dr. Neelam Mohan from Medauta Medicity hospital, Gurugram, Dr. Nancy Sahni, Chief Dietician, PGIMER, Ms. Ritu Sudhakar, Chief Dietician, DMC, Ludhiana, Ms, Neelanjana Singh, Chief Dietician, PSRI Hospital, New Delhi deliberated in the prevention and treatment of GI diseases about causes, symptom and preventive measures for the GI aliments. Since nutrition is of utmost importance in prevention and treatment of GI disorders, the sole purpose of this CNE was to provide a much needed platform for doctor, dieticians and paramedical staff to enhance Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) knowledge for the prevention of the disease and improvement of MNT out comes.

This CNE was an endeavor to focus on creating awareness. Approximately 600 delegates which included doctors, dieticians, nutritionist and dietetic students from the Tricity as well as from states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi Participated