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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Moti Ram Arya School seven days NSS special camp


Chandigarh , sunita shastri: Today the seven days NSS special camp was concluded at Moti Ram Arya Senior Secondary School Sector 27 – A, Chandigarh on the theme of “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ” and “Jal Sarankshan Abhiyan”. It was inaugurated by school Principal Dr Seema Biji with our programme officers Mrs. Meenu Sood and Sunita Saini. The day began with NSS song and true meaning of NSS. All Covid precautions were taken care of .All the guidelines provided by MHA were followed.On this closing ceremony the chief guest Dr Bikram Rana ( Sate Liaison Officer, CHD NSS ) addressed all NSS volunteers to do community service and build a beautiful nation .The students were motivated to read the philosophy of Swami Vivekananda to understand the real meaning of NSS and to develop love for the nation.Addressing the volunteers he said whatever they learnt during this camp they must deliver it in the society. He also motivated them to follow all pandemic rules and regulations proscribed by government of India. During this camp various lectures were delivered on meditation, physical fitness, art of living, stress management and spiritual lectures were also delivered by Braham kumari.The highlight of the camp was Self -defence training .The students were made aware that physical fitness is of utmost importance. Self – Defence training sessions were enjoyed the most by the students.
All the seven days the volunteers were full of enthusiasm .They thoroughly enjoyed the camp and learnt many life skills Our school principal Dr. Seema Biji thanked Mr. Bikram Rana and all the programme officers for the successful completion of the camp and also extended her best wishes to all the volunteers on this closing ceremony