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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Ministry of Water Resources invites entries for National Water Awards 2018


In view of the importance of water resources management in India, the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation has instituted National Water Awards with the objective to encourage all stakeholders to manage their water resources efficiently and create a water consciousness in the country.


The entries for National Water Awards 2018 are now invited in 13 categories which are – Best State, Best District, Best Village Panchayat, Best Municipal Corporation, Best research/innovation/adaptation of new technology for water conservation, Best educative/mass awareness efforts, Best TV show for promoting water conservation, Best Newspaper, Best School, Best Institution for successful campus water usage, Best Resident Welfare Association (RWA), Organizations for Best Religious/Recreational & Tourism Water Uses and Best Industry for industrial water conservation. Within the Best District category, three awards each will be given in North, South, East, West, North- East and aspirational district sub-categories for encouragement of officials at the district level. Also, at the district level, the entries could be submitted on three important themes of Ground Water Recharge, Revival of River and Rejuvenation/Creation of Water Bodies like lakes/ponds etc. Apart from Best State and Best District awards, cash prize of Rs. 2 lakh, Rs. 1.5 lakh and Rs. 1 lakh for Ist, IInd and IIIrd prize winners respectively will be given for all remaining 11 categories.


The objective of the awards is to encourage all stakeholders including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Gram Panchayats, Urban Local Bodies, Water User Associations, Institutions, Corporate Sector, Individuals etc. for adopting innovative practices of ground water augmentation by rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge, promoting water use efficiency, recycling & reuse of water and creating awareness through people’s participation in the targeted areas resulting into the sustainability of ground water resources development, adequate capacity building etc.


For further details and application form, the applicants may visit links- http://mowr.gov.in/national-water-awards-2018 and cgwb.gov.in. The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation has also teamed up with MyGov to maximize the participation of all stakeholders. The applicants can submit their entries through MyGov (mygov.in) portal as well.