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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Mayor calls meeting with FOSWAC on ‘Chandigarh Banega No.1’


Chandigarh, August 7:- Sh. Davesh Moudgil, Mayor of Chandigarh today called a meeting with representatives of FOSWAC on “Chandigarh Banega Swachhta me No.1” and star rating of garbage free city. The meeting was attended by Sh. K.K. Yadav, IAS, Commissioner and all members of Federation of Sector Welfare Associations (FOSWAC) including the chairman Sh. Baljinder Singh Bittu.

During the meeting the Mayor appealed to the members from different Resident Welfare Associations from the city to extend their full co-operation and coordination in making Chandigarh garbage free city. He also explained the four tyre system adopted by the Municipal Corporation for implementation of the project in city and about the parameters of star rating system for Garbage free city.

He said that the Resident Welfare Associations and other organizations will have to come forward to change the mindset of local residents towards making Chandigarh garbage free city. The Mayor said that the Municipal Corporation has planning to conduct IEC (Information, Education & Communication) activities and these programmes will be carried out by involving FOSWAC and RWAs in their respective areas.

During the meeting the representatives of different RWAs and members of FOSWAC raised following key points before the Mayor and the Commissioner:

  • To review the door to door garbage system and steps to strengthen the existing system.
  • Suggestions be taken from RWAs for adopting any model for segregation of waste at source level.
  • RWAs be involved to remove encroachments from the city.
  • On the issue of paid parking, they suggested that every resident would happily ready to pay Rs. 200 per car and Rs. 100 for two wheelers per month. Therefore, consider the suggestions and issues of city residents before preparing model of paid parking in city.
  • On the issue of vending system, they pointed out that take these vendors in proper order and footpaths be got cleared for pedestrian passages. Areas and numbers of vendors be specified and distributed with incorporating the suggestions from local residents and consulting with area RWA.
  • Due importance be given to the role, responsibility and contribution of FOSWAC and RWAs.
  • Provision of Tertiary Treated water be made in the leftout areas throughout city.
  • Animal Birth Control programme be implemented strictly and campaigns be organized in order to eradicate dog menace in city with the local RWAs.
  • Dug up roads after laying cable etc. and road berms be repaired immediately and horticulture wastes from road sides be lifted on daily basis.
  • They suggested that proper coordination and cooperation of inter departments are necessary to make and maintain the city neat and clean.
  • On the issue of repair of faulty street lights they suggested that time lines be followed strictly under Right to Service Act.
  • Proper maintenance and upkeep of public toilets provided in markets and city parks. They demanded that public toilets be provided in the leftout parks and green belts.
  • Proper maintenance and modifications of existing SSKs and provision of new SSKs in required areas.
  • Cleaning of parks be ensured from the sanitation department after conducting functions by local residents from time to time next day after the function for which the city residents already deposit charges.
  • Cleanliness of the sites of apni mandi next day be ensured.
  • Find out some permanent and scientific solutions for the processing of garbage and additional landfill site.
  • Grass from reserve areas throughout city be removed and forest land from sector 39 to 47 be kept clean because the road leads to the entry point of City.
  • Maintenance charges of parks handed over to the RWAs be revised by considering the issues of city residents.
  • After developing proper Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) about making Chandigarh garbage free be shared with the FOSWAC and RWAs.

The members appreciated the efforts of Mayor for calling a meeting of FOSWAC in this regard and said that their motive is to suggest modifications and rectifications in the system and not to criticize the existing one. They said that this step of calling such meeting is a welcome step by the city Mayor Sh. Davesh Moudgil.