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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020



The entire modern medical profession of the nation feels betrayed by the level of violation and encroachment by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM). IMA demands withdrawal of the notification of the amendment regulations of Postgraduate Ayurveda Education. In the said notification the Post Graduate courses namely MS Shalya Tantra the words (General Surgery) have been incorporated. A long list of modern medicine surgical procedures have been enlisted under Shalya Tantra and Shalakya Tantra. These competancies squarely fall under the ambit, authority and jurisdiction of modern medicine having been prescribed by the then Medical Council of India as the competancies ascribable to the postgraduate course titled MS (General Surgery).

The AYUSH ministry has issued a clarification claiming the technical terms and the modern developments are a common heritage of mankind. IMA rejects the clarification as deceptive camouflage of mixing the systems of medicine. It is nothing but a blatant attempt at mixopathy and Khichadification of medical education and practice. The CCIM amendments cannot be seen in isolation. The National Education Policy 2020 speaks of medical pluralism and lateral entry laying the foundation legitimising Mixopathy. NITI AAYOG in its wisdom has formed four committees in medical education, practice, public health and research to officially mix all systems into one Integrative system of medicine. One Nation One System is being espoused as the official policy. All the six hundred odd medical colleges of India are expected to turn out Hybrid doctors of a Khichadi medical system by 2030. This is not the issue of the profession alone. This entails serious inroads into the Health Care Delivery System of the country. This involves calibration of patient care for years to come. People of India have a right to understand these manoeuvres. The patient’s choice to choose the system of medicine is being taken away in the naked attempt to mix all systems of medicine. The empty words of the Ministry of AYUSH of deep commitment to maintain the authenticity of Indian systems of medicine and that it is against any mixing of systems sound hollow in their pregnant silence to the medical pluralism advocated by the National Education Policy 2020 and the infamous attempts of NITI AAYOG to mix all systems of medicine into a single Integrative System. They remain culpable and cannot be absolved of the crime.

There are issues arising out of such indiligent decisions all impacting patient care and safety. What about the pre anaesthetic medication? Will it be AYUSH drugs? What about Anaesthesia? Does AYUSH have their own anaesthesia drugs and procedures? Perhaps AYUSH doctors who are trained in administering them as AYUSH anaesthetists? What about postoperative care and infection control? How will a system not subscribing to microbial theory find a way to control sepsis? Will it be a throwback to the 19 th century septic wards? How will the Government find adequate resources to create new infrastructure from nowhere to fend for this modern medicine B team? It is very obvious that AYUSH is dependent on modern medicine doctors, anaesthesia, antibiotics and equipments to perform modern medicine surgical procedures. It fails the test of logic behind such irresponsible initiative placing thousands of gullible patients at risk.

The object and purpose of mixing the systems is perhaps borne out of a false claim on heritage. The medical colleges in Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai were established in 19 th century and remain heritage of man. Some of the sensational discoveries like the malarial parasite and its treatment were formulated in India. Modern Medicine is as much Indian as anyone’s. Rapid strides in modern medicine like vaccination and chemotherapy of Tuberculosis took their baby steps in India. India remains the frontier of modern medicine today with medical care of international standards and well reputed Indian doctors serving the globe. What is the point in losing such a legacy and leadership?

IMA is prepared for the ensuing long drawn struggle for existence and identity. All Associations of the fraternity including the specialities and students are determined to resist this ill advised adventure in our national life. Health of generations of Indians is at stake. The Central Working Committee of IMA has been called for an emergency session. The 28 state branches have been directed to hold their State Working Committees. The quantum and the timing of the first All India response to the situation is being determined. In any case it will not be later than Wednesday 02.12.2020.