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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT Chandigarh, Sh. VP Singh Badnore today presided over War Room meeting.


Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT Chandigarh, Sh. VP Singh Badnore today presided over War Room meeting. The meeting was attended by Sh. Manoj Parida, Adviser to the Administrator & Sh. Sanjay Kumar Beniwal, Director General of Police at Punjab Raj Bhawan. Sh. Arun Kumar Gupta, Principal Secretary Home, Sh. KK Yadav, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Sh. Mandip Singh Brar, Deputy Commissioner, UT & Deputy Commissioners of Mohali & Panchkula, Director-PGIMER, Director Health Services & Director Principal, GMCH attended through Video Conferencing.

1. Dr. Jagat Ram, Director, PGIMER stated that they have 105 covid patients in Nehru Hospital Extension, out of which 39 belong to Chandigarh, 34 to Punjab, 21 to Haryana, 03 to Himachal Pradesh and 8 to other states. He also mentioned that they have conducted 4,834 tests, out of which 606 found positive. The Director also stated that they have treated 900 patients physically in OPDs and 1200 patients over tele-medicine facility. Acting Director Principal, GMCH 32, Dr. Jasbinder Kaur stated that they have tested 2,680 covid samples, out of which 165 were found positive. The positivity rate was 6.2%. She also stated that from 23/11/2020, the Medical College has already started OPDs in Surgery, Orthopaedics and Gynae.

Dr. Amandeep Kang, Director Health Services stated that they have tested 13,687 covid samples, out of which 1,131 were found positive. She also mentioned that 3,312 patients were tested in flu clinics. She further mentioned that mobile testing teams stationed that ISBT-17 for testing the passengers coming from outside. She also mentioned that 17,922 houses have been checked for Dengue and till date, 229 cases have been detected this year. She also mentioned that fogging will be conducted in Sector 53 today.

2. Deputy Commissioner, Mohali stated that they have 1,606 active cases. Deputy Commissioner, Panchkula stated that they have 508 active cases and Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh stated that they have 1,137 active cases

3. Sh. Mandip Brar, Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh informed that 27,878 challans have been issued against people, who violated covid protocol.

The Hon’ble Governor Punjab and Administrator UT directed the Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh to go for stricter punishment of covid violations.

4. The following decisions were taken after detailed discussions :-

a) The Fine for non wearing of masks in public places will be increased from Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/-.

b) Classroom teaching in Medical College-32 will be opened from 05/12/2020 for the students.

c) The Coaching Institutions will be permitted to open from 01/12/2020 subject to strict observance of covid protocol; both in classes and hostels. They will be directed to concentrate on online teaching; rather than physical classes.

5. The Administrator directed the officials to ensure that covid protocol is followed in public gatherings like marriages, social events etc.

6. There will be no night curfew in Chandigarh. However, the closing time of bars, restaurants, clubs etc. will be reviewed in the next meeting, in case of surge in number of covid cases.

7. The Administrator directed the officials to go for stricter enforcement of covid protocol in places like Mandi in Sector 26, ISBT, Railway Station, Parks, Sukhna Lake, Rock Garden and other market places, where crowding takes place.

8. The Administrator directed officials to be ready for storage, transportation, distribution and planned vaccination of people, once the corona vaccine is made available.

9. The Administrator directed the health officials to intensify corona checking and testing in crowded places like ISBT, Sector-26 Mandi, Railway Station, Sukhna Lake, Rock Garden and crowded market areas.

10. The Administrator appealed people to take all precautions and wear masks. “MASKS ARE OUR VACCINE, TILL REAL MEDICAL VACCINE IS FOUND”.