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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Administrator’s Advisory Council to be reconstituted


Administrator’s Advisory Council to be reconstituted

Chalk out Plan to Accommodate Students Who Could Not Get Admission in Class 11 due to shortage of seats- Administrator

25% Seats mandatory for EWS Students in Chandigarh Schools- Banwarilal Purohit

A meeting of the Administrator’s Advisory Council was held today at Hotel Mountview, Chandigarh under the chairmanship of Sh. Banwarilal Purohit, Governor of Punjab and Administrator U.T, Chandigarh.

The meeting proceeded with the address of Sh. Dharampal, Adviser to the Administrator, who welcomed all the esteemed members and highlighted the achievements of the City in various fields.
He lauded the role of the members of the council in putting forth the issues affecting the lives of people and resolving them in the best interest of the city.

The 10 Standing Committees i.e. Education, Health, Urban Infrastructure, Social Welfare, Law and Order, Sports, Transportation, Culture, Environment and Peripheral Area Development briefed about the status of work finalized in their previous meetings and also tabled the new recommendations.

The Standing Committee on Education elaborated on the subjects of mapping of students and need of proper counselling of students affected by the pandemic , laying emphases on teacher’s motivation to uplift the education system, car pooling scheme for students of government as well as private schools.

The Administrator stressed that the UT Government will chalk out a plan to accommodate the left out 10th pass students in Class 11 and implement the Right to Education in the city as it has been made obligatory and binding for all private schools to provide 25% seats to EWS students. The Administrator apprised the Council that the Administration is in the process of bringing 10 new schools in the city, so that no student is left with the basic Right to Education.

The Standing Committee on Environment placed its recommendations on the subjects of working paperless, optimal use emails and other digital technology, running pilot projects of sprinkling water on roads, implementation of CSR policies for plastic waste disposal etc.

The Standing Committee on Health placed its recommendations on upgrading the capacity of health facilities in the city by expanding beds in the existing hospitals and by having more and better dispensaries in the city. The Administrator also advised the officials to expedite the work of dispensaries approved for Centre Government retirees.

On Law and Order, the committee suggested the high operational intelligence to crush the growing drug mafia nexus in the city and increase night patrolling.

Rewards and recognitions to the sports achievers at national and international level to boost the sports culture in the city was stressed upon by the Sports standing committee. Sh. Nitin Kumar Yadav, Home Secretary apprised the council that the recruitment rules are being revised in Police department so that the deserving sports persons can be accommodated.

Suggestions were made by the Social Welfare committees for the upliftment of senior citizens, widows, destitute women and vulnerable children in the city. Some of the other key recommendations made by the committee members were single window system for industries to improve ‘Ease of Doing Business’ in the city.

On the issue of development of villages inside Chandigarh and on the periphery, the Adviser said that no new illegal construction shall be allowed and the old illegal constructions shall be removed. He further stressed that the cooperation of villages is needed to make more development in these areas.

The Administrator welcomed the constructive discussion and assured that follow up action will be done on their feedbacks and suggestions. He also assured that the matters pending with the GOI are been followed up by the UT officials and will soon be expedited.

Sh. Purohit expressed his gratitude to the members of the Advisory Council for their valuable inputs. As the Administrator’s Council tenure is about to end, he has welcomed the committee members who wish to continue in the next tenure to submit their requests personally.

The meeting was attended by Smt. Kirron Kher, Member of Parliament, Chandigarh, Sh. Satya Pal Jain, Additional Solicitor General of India, Smt. Sarbjit Kaur, Mayor Chandigarh, Sh. Dharampal, Adviser to the Administrator, Sh. Nitin Kumar Yadav, Home Secretary, Sh. Vijay Namdeorao Zade, Finance Secretary, Sh. Praveer Ranajan, DGP Chandigarh, Smt. Rakhee Gupta Bhandari, Secretary to Governor, Chandigarh, members of the Advisory Council and senior officers of Chandigarh Administration.