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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Webinar on “Contributions and expectations from emerging technologies for the welfare of society in the contemporary times” to celebrate the 25th year of Punjab Academy of Sciences.


Department of Biotechnology, Panjab University, Chandigarh and Department of Biotechnology GGDSD College, Sector-32, Chandigarh under the aegis of Chandigarh Forum for Science and Technology Communication (CFSTC) today organized a Webinar on “Contributions and expectations from emerging technologies for the welfare of society in the contemporary times” to celebrate the 25th year of Punjab Academy of Sciences.

Dr Kashmir Singh, Chairperson, Dept of Biotechnology, Panjab University welcomed the speakers and participants to the online webinar.

Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh shared his thoughts on the role of Scientific community in dealing with global pandemic ‘COVID-19’, vaccine development and the participation of all sections of society in making the vaccination drive successful across the nation.

Prof. I.J.S Bansal, founder President of Punjab Academy shared the glimpses of achievements and activities of Punjab Academy across the region.

Prof R.C. Sobti former Vice Chancellor Panjab University and BBAU(Central )Lucknow ,INSA Sr scientist talked about the emerging technologies and how they are outcome of convergence of conventional result of technologies through computational sciences and machine learning. He made mention of metabolic engineering ,cell free systems ,3D technologies ,beside others. He also talked about the impact of COVID-19 on the society and importance of innovative technology in the time of pandemic.

Er Upkar Krishan Sharma, President, GGDSD Society, Chandigarh talked about the role of Basic Sciences in developing innovative solutions to limit the spread of COVID-19, and presenting affordable diagnostic strategies. He emphasized on importance of appropriate technological solutions in making human societies “Pandemic-ready” in the future.

Dr Krishan Lal, Former President, INSA and Presidernt Interacadmy platform of International Academies in his KEY NOTE address talked about the role of different global organizations in dealing with the challenges in disasters like COVID-19 and the need of young researchers to join these endeavours. He delved upon the issues and challenges before the science academies of different countries and role of India scientific community.
Dr V.K. Paul, Member, NITI Aayog, Govt of India and an internationally know paeditrician tadiscussed the role of emerging technologies in healthcare. He discussed about the importance of role of CRISPR based diagnostic in treating cancers and developing vaccines. His talk also included the importance of drones in healthcare sector with concerns on inclusion of human touch in healthcare in spite of all milestones developments. He also informed the participants about the steps taken by Government of India in taking hospital to patients as well as other initiatives in health care system

Dr G. Padmanabhan President NASI former director Indian Institute of Science Bangalore highlighted the information related to use of Biotechnological techniques in developing various products and ask students to become job givers rather than job seekers. He aldso talked about the biotechnological achievements in India particularly in health care system that is the development of newer diagnostic technioques ,drug development and modeling for personalized treatment regimes using genomics,proteomics binomics ,machine learning and system biology

Dr R. C. Deka, Former Director, AIIMS, New Delhi discussed the importance of International Collaboration and Cooperation in Medical Education and Research. He emphasized on the importance of Research in Academic institutes and its multidimensional implications including Industrial, cultural and social advancement in society across the globe.

Dr. N.R. Jagannathan, Former Faculty, AIIMS New Delhi discussed the role of MRI in revolutionizing the patient care .He highlighted the evolution of simple imaging techniques to MRI and then to MRS .He also discussed the application of 3D dynamic contrast MRI in diagnosing type of tumour and diffusion MRI in management of Brain strokes and monitoring brain functions.He also explained how MRI can identify liars from non liars so as to use this technology in forensic science

Prof A.S. Ahluwalia, President PAS gave concluding remarks and thanked all the eminent speakers.organizers and participants. He congratulated Dr Sobti for his endeavour to organize such event in this pandemic era. Dr Sanjeev Puri and Dr Navneet Batra also took part in the deliberations.

The Webinar was attended by Faculty, students and researchers from different colleges, universities and research institutions.