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Library Automation Short Term Course (STC) inaugurated by Mayor Davesh Moudgil


7-Day National Level Short – Term Course on Library Automation and Building Digital Libraries Using Open Source Software for Library Administration and Staff organised by Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha Library of Sri Guru Gobind Singh College (Co-ed), Sector 26, Chandigarh and sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India (GOI)from July 27, 2018 to August 3, 2018 was inaugurated today by the Chief Guest, Sri Davesh Moudgil, Mayor, Chandigarh.

Welcomed by the President of the College Management, Sikh Educational Society, Chandigarh, S Gurdev Singh Brar IAS (retd), Principal Dr Jyoti Lamba and Course Convener, Librarion Dr Anita Chhatwal, Shri Moudgil applauded the initiative to equip the library professionals with commercial as well as open source library software. He stated that digitisation is a potent phenomenon, and if used wisely can be instrumental in effecting a positive change towards the development of the institutions as well as the nation.

The Keynote Speaker, Dr Sanjay Kataria, University Librarian, Bennett University (A Times Group Initiative) dealt with the topic Library Automation: Trends and Issues. Lamenting the current financial crunch faced by the libraries, he roused optimism in the Open Source Software technologies which has made it easier to move towards customised digitisation at minimal cost.

45 applicants comprising of academic/ corporate librarians, information professionals, knowledge managers and researchers/ students of information sciences from all over the country like Varanasi, Kolkata, various parts of Punjab and the tri-city are enrolled to engage in the course to be conducted by noted academicians like Dr Ravinder Kumar Singla, Professor and Chairperson, DCSA, PU Chandigarh; Dr Harish Kumar, Associate Professor, UIET, PU Chandigarh; Dr Neeraj Kumar Singh, Assistant Librarian, PU Chandigarh, Dr Preet Kanwal, Associate Professor, SGGS Coll 26, Chandigarh; Mr Mukesh Pund, Senior Principal Scientist, Education and Training, CSIR-NISCAIR and Dr Salim Ansari, Senior Technical Officer (2), CSIR-NISCAIR.

The topics to be covered in the 7-Day programme will range from Open Source Software, KOHA, Web 2.0 Applications in the Library, Greenstone Digital Library Software to DSpace and E-Granthalaya.

The course is designed as a response to digitisation and globalisation in the current times where effective communication and information sourcing require ICT skills and literacy in all institutions and organisations including the libraries.