Special Capacity Building Programme organised for empowerment of children’s rights and education under the chairmanship of Governor of Punjab and Administrator of Chandigarh.


Special Capacity Building Programme organised for empowerment of children’s rights and education under the chairmanship of Governor of Punjab and Administrator of Chandigarh.

Chandigarh, March 20: A special capacity building programme was organised in Chandigarh with the aim of protecting the rights of children, improving the quality of education, and promoting their overall development. Governor of Punjab and Administrator , Chandigarh Shri Gulab Chand Kataria was present as the chief guest in this programme. Addressing the programme, he said that the proper development of children is not only the responsibility of the administration, but the society, teachers, parents and policy-makers will have to work together to create an inclusive environment where every child can be made safe, educated and empowered.

The Governor said on this occasion that the protection of children’s rights should not be limited only to the legal framework, but it is necessary to adopt it as a collective responsibility of the society. He laid special emphasis on the fact that children should not only get quality education, but should also be enriched with moral values and social awareness.  He urged the teachers to not only impart bookish knowledge to the children but also inculcate innovation, creativity and leadership skills in them.

He appreciated the various steps taken by the administration on the occasion and said that the government is constantly striving to make the education system more inclusive. Expressing deep concern over problems like child labour, child abuse and juvenile crime, he said that all the concerned departments will have to make a coordinated effort to deal with these challenges.

During the event, Governor of Punjab and Administrator of Chandigarh Shri Gulab Chand Kataria unveiled the new logo of Chandigarh Child Protection Committee (CCPCR). This new logo reflects the safety, education and overall development of children and shows the commitment of the administration towards protection of their rights.

On this occasion, he urged all the stakeholders to work continuously in this direction and ensure that no child is deprived of education, security and basic facilities. The Administrator directed the Administration to effectively implement all the programs related to the welfare of children and its benefits reach every needy child at the ground level.

Secretary, Social Welfare Department, Mrs. Anuradha Chagati, Director, School Education Department, Mr. Harsuhinder Pal Singh Brar, Chairperson, Chandigarh Child Protection Committee (CCPCR), Mrs. Shipra Bansal and senior officers of the Education Department and other related departments were also present on the occasion.