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PGI kickstarts competitions for raising oral health awareness among government school children of Chandigarh


PGI kickstarts competitions for raising oral health awareness among government school children of Chandigarh

The National Resource Centre for Oral Healthcare of Children and Elderly, operating under the National Oral Health Program at the Oral Health Sciences Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh, recognizes the importance of safeguarding the oral health of students, who are the future of the nation. As a part of school oral health promotion, a series of Oral Health Awareness Competitions is scheduled to take place from January 29th to February 15th, 2024. The primary objective is to enhance awareness among school children regarding the maintenance of oral hygiene and the prevention of various oral diseases. These competitions, specifically designed for students of grades I to IX from all government schools in Chandigarh city, will encompass drawing, poster with slogan and oral health quiz competitions. The entries will be themed on the ‘Swasth Mukh- Sehat ka Adhaar’.
A drawing competition is scheduled for students in grades I to V from all government schools in Chandigarh. The event will take place from January 29 to February 7, 2024, within the school premises. Similarly, a poster competition along with a slogan is planned for students in grades VI to IX during the same period and at the same location. Preliminary rounds of an Oral Health Quiz are planned for students in grades VII to IX from Chandigarh’s government schools from January 29 to February 7, 2024, at their respective schools. The semi-final round will be conducted on February 10, and final rounds will be conducted at Oral Health Sciences Centre, PGIMER, on February 15, 2024. A prize distribution ceremony for finalists in all three competitions will be held at PGIMER, Chandigarh on the occasion of World Oral Health Day during 3rd week of March.
The Head of the OHSC, Dr. Ashima Goyal, foresees that the upcoming series of oral health awareness competitions will have a crucial impact on substantially enhancing children’s knowledge and awareness regarding oral health and diseases.