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Prof. Ajay Kumar of PGI elected as Vice President of National Neuro Radiology Body PGI Residents sweep Awards at National Conference


Prof. Ajay Kumar of PGI elected as Vice President of National Neuro Radiology Body
PGI Residents sweep Awards at National Conference

The 24th Annual conference of Indian Society of Neuroradiology (ISNR) was held from 24-26th February 2023 which was organized by AIIMS, New Delhi. Prof Ajay Kumar from the Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging, PGIMER was elected as the Vice-President of the National Neuro Radiology Society.

Dr. Sanket Dash and Dr. Kushal Kotia, Residents in the department, won the 1st and 2nd prize in the Oral Paper Competition’s (Neurointervention category) for their research conducted under guidance of Dr. Chirag K Ahuja.

Dr. Mohd. Yaqoob Wani, Resident in the Department won the 3rd prize in the Oral Paper (Diagnostic Neuroradiology) for his research guided by Prof. Paramjeet Singh.

Dr. Saumya Soni and Dr. Tarun Sidhant, Residents in the Department, won the 3rd and 4th prizes in the Poster Category, under the guidance of Prof. Sameer Vyas and Dr. Chirag Ahuja respectively.

Prof. Paramjeet Singh, Senior Professor in the Neuro Radiology Division stated that its a matter of great pride for the Department and for the Institute that so many Residents have won Awards in this National Conference.

The ISNR Annual Conference is a melting-pot of extensive clinical and laboratory research that is happening all across India in the field of Neuroimaging and Interventional Neuroradiology with elaborate didactic as well as interactive sessions moderated by experts. This year, it was attended by more than 300 delegates from across the Indian subcontinent and abroad with many international speakers and experts stated Prof. Paramjeet Singh.