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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

“Sh. Manoj Kumar SSP Crime sensitised the participants about drug abuse and its impact on the society” 


Chandigarh August 5, 2022

“Sh. Manoj Kumar SSP Crime sensitised the participants about drug abuse and its impact on the society”

On the fifth day of the three week workshop on “Employability and Soft Skills” being organized by the Central Placement Cell, Panjab University Chandigarh Sh. Manoj Kumar, SSP crime, Intelligence and head quarters, vigilance, Chandigarh Police interacted with the students. The topic of discussion was the problem of DRUG ABUSE in the society, He highlighted that how this problem has become a social evil, it does not only impact individual and his family but society at large in terms of reduced employment, industrialization and national security. He encouraged the students to be a good role model for young impressionable minds and emphasised the importance of role of parents in shaping the psychology of children. Peer pressure can lead to both dug addiction and can help in curbing the drug problem, He asked the students to take a pledge to protect themselves and their loved ones from this menace. One should have zero tolerance for drugs and consider it as a national duty. He also highlighted various initiatives taken by Chandigarh police e.g URJA :A peer Led Intervention for Child friendly and Drug free Community and other programmes for underprivileged to make them realise that that there is life which is more beautiful than ending it with drugs.

This  three week workshop on “Employability and Soft Skills” is being organized by Central Placement Cell, Panjab University Chandigarh since 1st August, 2022.   More than 100 participants across various university departments e.g  Bio technology, human genome, community education, economics, geography, UBS, Library Science are attending the workshop.

The session started with the sensitisation of issue and introduction of the resource person by  Prof Meena Sharma and ended with vote of thanks by Dr.  Monica Bedi, course coordinator.