As per the directions of MoHFW, Government of India, children of 10 year and 16 year of age are to be covered & protected from Tetanus & Diphtheria diseases by vaccinating them with Td vaccine. To cover children of these age groups (10 year & 16 year) Health Department is launching Td 10/16 vaccination campaign in Chandigarh from tomorrow (26.07.2022) & all the government schools will be covered as per the list shared by Education Department in phased manner.
Covid-19 Vaccinations camps are also re-starting in schools after vacations from tomorrow (26.07.2022). Children of both age groups 12-14 years & 15-18 years will be covered in these camps. All vaccines will be provided free of cost. These Covid-19 & Td 10/16 Vaccination camps will be held in following five schools tomorrow:
1. GMSSS Sector 40
2. GMSSS Sector 21
3. GMSSS Sector 15
4. GMSSS Raipur Khurd
5. GMSSS Sarangpur
Health Department, Chandigarh requests city residents/parents to get their children vaccinated against covid infection, tetanus & diphtheria.