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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

PGIMER observes National Cancer Awareness Day


National Cancer Awareness Day was celebrated on under the guidance of
Dr.Kathirvel S (Assistant Professor and Facultyin-charge, Department of Community
Medicine and School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh)in collaboration with
Dr.Sanjeev Siddhu, Senior Medical Officer, Civil Hospital, Naraingarh. Dr Rajiv
Sharma (Resident Medical Officer), Dr Tanveer Rehman (Senior Resident), Dr
Shruthi Rajan (Junior Resident), Mr Mubarak Ali (Public Health Nursing
Officer) and Mrs.Sunita Rani, Multipurpose Health Workerwere present on
the day of celebration.
Dr.Tanveer Rehman welcomed the audience andexplained the importance of
the celebration, i.e.,to generate awareness regarding cancer prevention
and its early detection. He discussed the various modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors of cancer and the warning signals of common types
of cancers.Dr Kathirvel emphasized on healthy lifestyle and screening for the
common cancers (Breast, Cervix, Oral) for early detection and timely management.
He sensitized the participants regarding the various services available at the
community and hospital for the screening of different types of cancers.Dr Shruthi
informed the audience about the common symptoms of cervical cancer and
regarding Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) – a simple method for
screening cervical cancer at primary health care level.
Mrs Sunita talked about the common warning signs of Breast Cancer and
Breast Self-Examination, to detect any abnormality or changes in their
breasts. Mr Mubarak Ali mentioned to the audience that all tobacco and
alcohol users of any age should do a self-examination of the oral cavity
every month or undergo clinical examination by a trained provider.
Health education was given on lifestyle modification for the prevention and
management of non-communicable diseases.Inthe end, Dr Tanveer reminded
the audience that every individual (woman or man) aged 30 years and
above, should be screened for various common cancersat a periodic interval
for early detection and management.Participants were told to actively share
the knowledge with their friends and relatives for the further benefit, and
their queries were addressed. The celebration ended with a vote of thanks.