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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Cheshire Home inspected today by Adviser, Sh. Manoj Parida


Department of Public Relations
Chandigarh Administration

Chandigarh, 23 September 2020:

Cheshire Home located in Sector 21, Chandigarh was inspected today by Adviser, Sh. Manoj Parida, Secretary, Social Welfare, Yashpal Garg, Director, Social Welfare, Navjot Kaur, Chief Engineer, UT & Director, Public Relations.

It was seen that 17 people, mostly handicapped have encroached upon this property, which is basically a resumed property belonging to the Administration. The inmates are mostly persons, who were earlier working in pre-paid booths of Traffic Police, which are now closed. The building is a double-storeyed, constructed on a plot measuring more than 02 Kanals with 6,000 ft. construction.

It was decided to house a Group Home for mentally challenged persons in this building and also to set up a Half-Way Home in DART Building in Sector 32, Chandigarh. Efforts will be made to engage some dedicated NGO under the supervision of Social Welfare Department to run these Homes. Adviser directed the officials to find out alternate jobs for handicapped persons, so that they could be gainfully employed and arrange their own accommodation independently. Further action on the issue will be taken in consultation with all departments.