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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

MCC organizes workshops on star rating of garbage free city


Chandigarh, August 27:- The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has launched the first workshop on star rating of garbage-free city under the Swachh Bharat Mission. Sh. Davesh Moudgil, Mayor of Chandigarh inaugurated the workshop of councilors at10 am in the MCC building, which was attended by Sh. K.K. Yadav, IAS, Commissioner, Sh. Gurpreet Singh Dhillon, Senior Deputy Mayor, Sh. Vinod Aggarwal, Deputy Mayor, councilors and officers of MCC. Similarly, workshop was organized at Tagore Theater, Sector 18 at 2.00 pm for all the stakeholders including representatives of RWAs, MWAs, NGOs, Institutes, religious & other organizations etc.

During the inaugural session, the Mayor said that the star rating of garbage free city would create healthy competition among cities across the country and the MCC will put all possible efforts under the campaign “Chandigarh banega Swachhata me No.1” under four tyre system. He said that this system will be adopted to achieve this milestone i.e. involving councilors with their self declarations and contribution towards their city; Safaikarmacharis by providing them all the necessary tools and strengthening them by changing their mindset towards sanitation; Officers and officials involved in transportation of garbage and mechanized disposal of MSW and the forth & very important tyre will be the stakeholders, will be involved in all parts of this campaign including segregation of waste and strengthening of garbage collection system in the city.

The Mayor said that first workshop was held for the officers, officials of MCC recently and different workshops for councilors and stakeholders from the city was organized today, during which Mr. Vaibhav Rao from Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) given detailed presentations on seven star rating of garbage free city. He said that similar workshop for Safaikarmacharis will be organize shortly with a motive to achieve the goal of rank No.1 in ensuing Swachhata Survekshan.

He said that objectives behind these workshops was aimed at achieving the goals of cleanliness and 100 percent solid waste management in the city. He said that to familiarize and build the capacities of councilors, MCC officials and all stakeholders with regard to the seven star rating protocols of garbage free cities, these kind of workshops focuses on smart approach of citizens towards assessing the cleanliness of city.

In addition to that, a exhibition on the theme on site composting was also organized in the MCC building premises by M/s Daily Dump an enterprises awarded under Swachh Entrepreneurship awards.

The Mayor said that the seven star rating of garbage free cities, based on 12 parameters, builds on the spirit of aspiration of citizens to progress towards higher standards of cleanliness and its sustainability.  The 12 parameters are as under:

 Door-to- Door Collection

  1. Segregation at source
  2. Sweeping of public, commercial and residential areas (no visible eyesores on


  1. Waste Storage Bins, Litter Bins and material recovery facility
  2. Bulk Waste Generators compliance
  3. Scientific Waste Processing, Scientific Landfilling and C&D Waste Management
  4. User Fees, Penalties, Spot Fines for littering and Enforcement of Ban on Plastic
  5. Citizen grievance redressal and feedback system
  6. Eradication of crude dumping of garbage and dump remediation
  7. Cleaning of storm drains and surface of water bodies
  8. Waste Reduction
  9. Visible beautification in the city.

Key Features of 7-star rating-Designed on a SMART approach:

  • Single Metric – Rating criteria encapsulates all components of MSWM as well as plastic waste, waste in drains and water bodies
  • Measurable – Criteria under each star rating has measurable parameters (e.g.% of HHs covered by D2D collection, % of waste processed, etc.)
  • Achievable – Each criteria and associated parameter has been devised to ensure that it is realistically achievable by cities.
  • Rigorous Verification – Robust 2-step verification mechanism of both self-declaration and third party verification. Cities rated 1, 2 and 4-star must carry out self-assessment and self-verification, while 3-star, 5-star and 7-star cities will need to be certified through an independent third party. Moreover, a city should be ODF before going for 3-star and above certification.
  • Targeted Towards Outcomes – Based on verifiable outcomes rather than inputs and processes (e.g. remediation of dumpsites, regular sweeping, collection of user charges, etc.)

 Strengths of star rating protocol

  • Outcome-based tool rather than process based, hence will enable institutionalization of good practices such as source segregation, scientific waste processing, penalties & spot fines for littering, and compliance of bulk waste generators, etc.
  • Designed to enable cities to gradually evolve into a model (7-star) city, with progressive improvements in their overall cleanliness.
  • At the 7-star level, 3R components of 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) incorporated.