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Posted by Surinder Verma on Wednesday, June 17, 2020

National Immunization Day – Polio Round

Chandigarh: 39,846 children were immunized on day one of Sub National Immunization Round (SNID) Polio August 2018. Sub-National Immunization Round (SNID) is scheduled in U.T. Chandigarh on 5th and 6th August 2018.
The difference between National Immunization Day (NID) and Sub National Immunization Day (SNID) is that the NID is a three day campaign where day one is dedicated for booth activity. SNID is a two day House – to – House activity which is being conducted to focus on High Risk areas.
In the Sub National Immunization Round (SNID), 80 Supervisors monitored the booth activity for which 570 teams (consisting of 2 members in a team) of vaccinators were deployed to visit House – to – House. Teams are fully geared up to vaccinate all the children in 0-5 Years of age group in High Risk Areas along with the children on the roads, streets, beggars etc. The monitoring was done under the supervision of Director Health & Family Welfare cum Mission Director – NHM, Dr. G. Dewan and other officials.
The innovative project “TAARE ZAMEEN PAR-A NIGHT VIGIL” which was initiated in January, 2018 NID Pulse Polio Round by the Health Department to cover those children which are accompanied by the parents during the day and come to halt at the various odd points of the city. To carry out this activity, six teams will be deputed from 9 pm to 11 pm on August 5th & 6th  and will move around in different parts of the city where the rag pickers/ beggars etc tend to settle down with their children in night hours including the RaineBaseras.
The Health Department appeals all residents of the city to co-operate and get all children in the age group 0- 5 years immunized against Polio during this two day SNID Campaign. Also to maintain the polio free status with the 100% polio immunization and routine Immunization of Chandigarh residents as being already achieved in Universal Immunization Program.